Craven County, NC

Index to Surnames, Time Frames, and Researchers

If you have information on a surname from Craven County and would like to share with others please send the surname(s), time frame you are researching along with your name and email address to Diane Siniard



Time Frame




1750 and the Revolution

Mrs. Cecilia L. Fabos-Becker

I’m looking for Anderson family records that show any connections to the Dunlap family that, along with Andersons, was in Craven County between about 1750 and the time of the Revolution. I’m looking for information as to where this Anderson family originated and lived before they lived in Craven County, NC.


1600's to Present

Bill Bland


1600's to Present


I am looking for a Phillip Bright born in NC, I believe Craven county, but not positive. He was born abt. 1796 and moved to Kentucky then onto Missouri. He died at Ducks Creek on June 6 of 1851. I believe he might of had a sister, Nancy or mom named Nancy and a brother or father named Henry and John. As those three names seem to be a naming pattern in the Bright family quite often.


1600's to Present

Donna Smith

My husbands family is dying off. If anyone can help me with these names I'd appreciate it.



Frances Morton Ray



Frances Morton Ray



Frances Morton Ray



Frances Morton Ray



Frances Morton Ray


1750 and the Revolution

Mrs. Cecilia L. Fabos-Becker

I’m looking for records of Samuel Dunlap and brothers (Robert, John, William, etc.?) and sons who passed through Craven County and lived there between about 1750 and the Revolution (Samuel Dunlap Jr. b. 1757—d. 1841) was “born in Craven Co., and mostly raised there” according to his Revolutionary War pension record. His father was Samuel Dunlap Sr. (1715-1791—d. in “Old Waxhaws” District, Lancaster Co., SC—buried in “Old Waxhaws’ Cemetery). I believe Samuel “Sr.” buried his first wife, and possibly some children in Craven Co., and married Mary ____ there. I believe Samuel Jr. married his first wife in Craven Co.. One of them may have married an Anderson (probably Samuel Sr.). Samuel Jr. named one of his sons Anderson Dunlap and another Allen Dunlap. I believe the Dunlaps left Craven County because they were pro-Revolution and many Craven County inhabitants were Tory, or pro-Tory.


1600's to Present

Larry Flowers

Looking to exchange information on all of the FLOWERS families that lived in the area of the Pamlico Sound beginning with John FLOWERS in the 1790 Currituck Co., census and his descendants through the present time. The family lineage area is triangular in nature and includes the mainland area on both the North and South sides of the Pamlico Sound and the Outer Banks which is presently comprised of the Beaufort, Craven, Dare, Hyde and Pamlico counties.


1600's to Present

Kim Wettroth

I am trying to tie a JAMES GALLOWAY family in Darlington Co SC back to a JAMES GALLOWAY family in Craven Co NC and maybe back to a JAMES GALLOWAY family in Dorchester Co MD


1600's to Present

Donna Smith

My husbands family is dying off. If anyone can help me with these names I'd appreciate it.



Frances Morton Ray



Frances Morton Ray


1600's to Present

Donna Smith

My husbands family is dying off. If anyone can help me with these names I'd appreciate it.



Frances Morton Ray



Ralph Taylor

Looking for the parents of Michael TAYLOR, born 1789, probably in the Core Creek or Flat Swamp area of northwestern Craven County, North Carolina. Have developed extensive information on Taylors and the associated/related families in the area which I am willing to share. Those include Beasley, Daughety, Green Slade, Bryan, Aclin. (Novice researchers please note that these names are spelled multiple ways.)
See April 2008 queries for more info.


1600's to Present

Donna Smith

My husbands family is dying off. If anyone can help me with these names I'd appreciate it.

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